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This is GOLD Package


List on Google Business with verified status

Create Google Business Listing with Verified Status. Greater Visibility for Your Business Via Search Results. Google has officially rolled out the coveted ‘Blue tick‘ for users who have verified themselves

Google Business Reviews

Google reviews provide useful information and help your business stand out. Having positive online reviews is a boost in local search ranking. Local searches help businesses promote their products and services to local customers in real-time.


Gain Ownership Status

Create Google Business Listing with Verified Status. Greater Visibility for Your Business Via Search Results. Google has officially rolled out the coveted ‘Blue tick‘ for users who have verified themselves

Google Maps Connectivity

Google maps make it easier for customers to find information about a business quickly and easily, but it also provides great features such as reviews ratings, photos/videos, updates and targeted advertising – all of which can help increase traffic and drive more sales for the business.


Digital Visiting Card. Your own mini website

Own digital visiting card, exactly a mini website of your business. You can give all information about business. Showcase your online Store. Sell on Whats app. Send locations, Contact card, Payment details along with qr codes, direct google reviews. Portray your images & Youtube videos

Google 360° Degree Photography

A virtual 360° tour gives potential customers an idea about what your business environment is like and how your business building or surrounding looks. Basically, what Google Street View tour does for your business is that it humanizes your business and legitimizes your business.

Single floor Business Premises with 4k 360° photography uploaded to Google Business Profile
Note: Gold package includes Google 360° Photography unlimited to any large business Premises.

Here are Advantages Google 360° Photography

Silver package includes Google 360° Photography limited to single floor business Premises upto 400 Sq Ft

Google 360° Photography Sample Links

Oluz Whats App

WhatsApp Business Bulk Messaging Account

WhatsApp Business makes interacting with customers easy by providing tools to automate, sort, and quickly respond to messages. It’s also intended to feel and work just like WhatsApp Messenger. You can use it to do everything that you’re used to doing, from messaging to sending photos, documents, videos and all.

1) Send & schedule Bulk message Campaigns. 2) Upload Contacts. 3) Auto Chat Bots. 4) Assists in customer support. 5) Instant message delivery and report. 6) Business API’s. 7) Auto Responders.8) Button and list message template. 9) 24/7 tech support is available.

Social Media Management Panel

To reach the right people you need the right tools.Promote your business via social media platforms where over 2 billion people are engaging with other brands like yours: Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Pinterest, Twitter and many more. With our social posting platform, you can create, manage, and publish posts that help you stand out. Choose a time that works for you

Use our scheduling tool to plan posts ahead of time or publish them instantly.
75+ million copyright free premium stock photos, videos, audio, and graphics free-to-use – included in your Canva Pro membership

Canva Pro Designer Studio

  • Design and schedule social media posts using thousands of templates right in Canva
  • With Canva, you can make high-quality videos without being a professional video editor.
  • Create presentations for workshops
  • Record a presentation for a video tutorial
  • Create blog post graphics
  • Make business cards, postcards, and other collateral for your small business
  • Print on demand — amazing quality on print jobs from posters to business cards
  • Upload your own photos and save them in folders
  • Use hundred of thousands of photos included in the Canva Pro plan
  • Upload your custom brand fonts and use them in all your designs
  • Make videos and GIFs
  • Develop custom reports with graphics and charts

Dynamic Professional Website

  1. Responsive Design: A dynamic professional website is built with a responsive design, ensuring seamless functionality and optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes.

  2. Engaging Visuals: It incorporates captivating visuals, including high-quality images, videos, and graphics, to immediately capture visitors’ attention and communicate the brand’s message effectively.

  3. Clear Navigation: A user-friendly navigation structure is crucial, allowing visitors to easily find the information they need. Clear menus, intuitive categorization, and logical page hierarchy enhance usability.

  4. Interactive Elements: Incorporating interactive elements like contact forms, live chat, and social media integration fosters user engagement, encourages communication, and provides opportunities for visitor interaction.

  5. Dynamic Content: Regularly updated content through blogs, news sections, or featured products/services showcases the website’s relevancy, keeps visitors informed, and improves search engine rankings, driving organic traffic.

Clients Reviews

What Clients say
ओलूझच्या सेवांचं अनुभव एकदा विशेष आणि प्रतिसादकारक असलंय. त्यांची Google My Business सेवा ने आमचं व्यवसाय सोपवून विश्वासार्ह बनवायला मदत केली. त्यांच्या विशेषज्ञ टीमने आमच्या व्यापाराची माहिती सटीकपणे परत दिली आणि विशेष ध्येयांसाठी उच्च स्थानांतरित केली. ग्राहकांना आमचं व्यवसाय Google वर सोप्या पद्धतीने सापडणारं झालं आणि त्यांच्या सेवेंचं फायदा घेऊन त्यांचं रीव्युव्ह पण सकारात्मक होतंय. त्यांच्या 360 डिग्री फोटोग्राफीने आमचं व्यापार अद्भुतपणे प्रस्तुत केलंय. त्यांच्या विशेषज्ञ फोटोग्राफरच्या सजवटीचं, प्रकाशीचं आणि प्रतिसादकारक तसंच समृद्ध फोटोग्राफीतील प्रत्येक क्षण सजवलय. त्यांच्या फोटोग्राफ्याने आमचं व्यापार ग्राहकांसाठी आकर्षक वाटतंय आणि आम्हाला खुप संतुष्टी होतंय. त्यांच्या मैपिंग सेवेद्वारे आमचं स्थान अगदी सुसंगत ठरवलंय. त्यांची टीम आमचं स्थान ठरवताना विशेषत: स्थानांतरित, पर्यायी विचारक आणि ग्राहकांच्या आवाजावर ध्यान देतंय. त्यांचं कौतुक आम्हाला समाधानातून असलंय कारण ते आमचं व्यवसाय दिलंय कि आम्ही ग्राहकांसाठी पूर्णतः अभिवृद्धि केलंय. त्यांच्या सोशल मीडिया प्रबंधन सेवेद्वारे आम्हाला विविध डिजिटल मंचांवर उत्कृष्ट प्रमोशन करण्यात आलंय. त्यांच्या कल्पनाशील और तंत्रज्ञानशील दक्षतेने, आमच्या सोशल मीडिया प्रोफाइल्स वाढवल्या आणि आमच्या ध्येयांना पूर्ण करण्यात आमची मदत केली. त्यांचं क्रिएटिव्ह कौशल्य आणि कल्पना क्षमतेचं आमच्या प्रमोशनाचं स्तर वाढवायला मदत केलंय. त्यांच्या कानवा डिझाइनिंग आणि वेबसाइट डेव्हलप्मेंट सेवेंद्वारे आम्हाला अद्भुत संरचना, प्रोफेशनल लुक आणि व्यावसायिक विश्वास किंवा संतुष्टी वाटतंय. त्यांच्या टीमचं दक्षता आणि धैर्य, आमच्या व्यापाराचं सृजन असं अधिक अधिक सोपं केलंय. त्यांच्या विशेष ग्राहक उपक्रमांना व्यापक डिजिटल संसाधनांची प्रावृत्ती आणि स्पष्टीकरण करण्याचं व्यापाराचं विकास केलंय. ओलझच्या सर्व सेवांचं धन्यवाद, आम्ही सर्वांनी उत्कृष्ट अनुभव केलं आणि त्यांच्या पेशेवर सेवांचं विश्वास ठेवून अगदी संतुष्ट आहोत! आम्हाला आपल्याशी आगंवान असायला खूप आनंद झालं!
सौमित्र रानडे
पेशवाई स्वीट्स


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